Kanhaiya Lal Polytechnic Roorkee


(Established by K. L. Trust)

Approved By All India Council For Technical Education (AICTE), New Delhi
Affiliated to Uttarakhand Board of Technical Education, Roorkee (UBTER)

Community Services

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Community Services

Our mission is to support student engagement in meaningful community service work and leadership training that enhances the educational experience, meets community-identified needs, provides opportunities for reflection, models the development of effective, collaborative community partnerships with local nonprofit organizations and encourages a lifelong commitment to community engagement.

Our philosophy, which focuses on community service and social action, centers around building bridges among diverse groups of people and encouraging learning through community work. While there is much debate about how to build a successful career, many believe getting into a good college or university is the first step.

Most people believe a college degree is necessary for attaining quality employment. College counselors can talk about the exact range of test scores and grade averages needed to be considered for each school until they’re blue in the face, but these folks don’t have the expertise when it comes to how social action and volunteering plays into the process. Parents who want their children on the right track for post-college employment should check it out, too.


Women Empowerment

India, a diverse and culturally rich country, is no exception when it comes to menstrual taboos and stigma. Deep-rooted cultural beliefs and traditions have created an environment where menstruation is often regarded as impure and shameful. In many communities, girls and women are subjected to various restrictions during their periods, such as being barred from entering places of worship, participating in family events, or even touching certain food items. These beliefs perpetuate a culture of silence, making it difficult for young girls to discuss their menstrual health and seek support.
Introducing sanitary napkin vending machines in Indian schools & colleges is a vital step towards challenging these taboos and fostering open dialogue about menstruation. By making these essential products readily available within educational institutions, we can begin to normalize conversations around menstruation and empower young girls to voice their needs and concerns